Alex Kemp

Alex Kemp

0 properties

Alex joined the CPPM team early 2022 as our Head of front office. She is a highly motivated individual with exceptional administration skills coupled with her ability to work across a wide range of tasks. Her warm and approachable personality ensures that you receive the best customer service possible.  Having recently returned from maternity leave, Alex now works three days a week.

Adam Dougherty

Adam Dougherty

0 properties

Adam is a native New Zealander who joined CPPM Property Management and Sales in early 2013 after an extensive and varied career in Hospitality, Finance, Mining and Construction. Adam is responsible for properties located in Battery Point, South Hobart, Mt Nelson and Dynnyrne. He has completed his Diploma in Real Estate and excels in forming lasting relationships with all our clients. Adam enjoys renovating and landscaping his own house, in between family time and discovering what the beautiful island of Tasmania has to offer.